MIT Lighted Sign

Built in 2012

The idea for this project popped into my mind one day when I was visiting MIT’s website. What I love about their website is that everyday there is a new “spotlight” post on the front page. However, not only is there a new post everyday, but there is also a new color scheme on the logo that matches the spotlight photo. The idea was to have the sign’s colors match the colors of the MIT logo on the website each day.

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da Vinci

Built in 2011

Using a system of gears and stepper motors, da Vinci is capable of etching low resolution images in grey-scale on an Etch-A-Sketch. The images are first processed into a text file using a custom written piece of computer software before being loaded onto an SD card for da Vinci to read and draw.

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Maze Solving Robot V3

Built in 2011

This was my third attempt at making a maze solving robot. My previous version was capable of finding the end of a line maze. This version is capable of not only finding the end, but also calculating and driving the shortest path from the start to the end of a non-cyclic line maze.

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Controller V2

Built in 2011

I made this controller so I could bidirectionally communicate with my robots and other projects. It contains an LCD, Xbee transceiver, custom Arduino compatible LCD backpack circuit, 3 button inputs, a potentiometer, and a Wii Nunchuck circuit board with joystick.

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Refloaster Oven

Built in 2011

As I make more electronic gizmos, I try to grow in efficiency. This includes using more SMD (surface mount device) components in my circuit designs. SMD parts are not impossible to solder by hand, but they can be tricky. This “Refloaster Oven” is one tool that will make my SMD assembly easier. This oven will allow me to automate my reflow soldering.

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